When you start a new school it's always a bit frightening, new people, new subjects, etc. So for this school year I decided to make a list of my goals for this year.
- Make friends. I really want to make some new friends and I know what people I would like to make friends with but I don't really know how to because it's not like play school when you could just walk up to the person and say: "Want to be friends?", although that would be nice. So any advice well-taken.
- Not stress too much. My anxiety tends to act up when there's a lot going on, like exams etc. and this year I've decided to try to be as calm as I can.
- Work out more. This point kind of intertwines with nr.2 because working out really helps me relax and I really do feel a lot better when I work out regularly. It also boosts your self confidence which doesn't hurt.
- Do my best and not get upset if I don't get the best grade, for example. At least I did my best.
- Be positive. Because life is just better that way and I've found that being negative never helps.
Well, that's all for this blogpost I hope you liked it and be sure to comment what your goals or tips are! :)
Stella xx